Full Meaning of Some Important Words – কিছু সংক্ষিপ্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ শব্দ যা প্রতিটা সময় বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষায় এবং জীবনে চলার পথে কাজে লাগবে

1. ℹ️NEWS in full is North, East, West, South

(News) North, East, West, South


2.ℹ️E-MAIL is the full form of Electronic Mail

(e-mail) electronic mail


3.ℹ️GIF is the full form of Graphics interchange format

(gif) graphics interchange format


4.ℹ️Date’s full form is Day and Time Evolution

(Date) Day and Time Evolution.


5. ℹ️ Liquid crystal display is the full form of LCD

(LCD) Liquid Crystal Display


6.ℹ️ IT is the full form of Information technology

(IT) Information Technology


7.ℹ️IP is the full form of Internet protocol

(IP) Internet Protocol


8. ℹ️Compact Disk is the full form of CD

(CD) compact disc


9.ℹ️Full form of DVD is Digital Video Disk

(DVD) Digital video disc


10.ℹ️PDF is the full form of Portable document format

(PDF) Portable Document Format


11.ℹ️OS is the full version of Operating System

(OC) Operating System


12.ℹ️ISO in full International standards organization (computer file), International Organization for Standardization (world mark)

(ISO) International Standards Organization


13.ℹ️PC is the full form of Personal Computer

(PC) Personal Computer


14. ℹ️CPU is the full form of Central Processing Unit

(CPU) Central Processing Unit


15.ℹ️RAM is the full form of Random Access Memory

(RAM) Random Access Memory


16. ℹ️ ROM full form Read Only Memory

(ROM) read only memory


17. ℹ️BIOS is the full form of Basic Input Output System

(BIOS) Basic Input Output System


18.ℹ️HDD is the full form of Hard Disk Drive

(HDD) Hard disk drive


19.ℹ️Full form of HTTP — Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.


20.ℹ️Full form of HTTPS — Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure.


21.ℹ️Full form of URL — Uniform Resource Locator.


22.ℹ️ Full form of VIRUS — Vital Information Resource Under Seized.


23.ℹ️HTML is the full form of Hyper Text Mark Up Language

(HTML) in HyperText Markup Language


24.ℹ️KB is the full form of Kilo Byte

(KB) kilobytes


25.ℹ️MB is the full form of Mega Byte

(MB) Mega bytes


26.ℹ️GB is the full form of Giga Byte

(GB) gigabytes


27.ℹ️TB stands for Tera Byte

(TB) Thirteen bytes


28.ℹ️FDD stands for Floppy Disk Drive

(FDD) Floppy Disk Drive


29. ℹ️WIMAX – Full Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

(Wimax) Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access


30. ℹ️ Full version of SIM — Subscriber Identity Module.


31.❤️3G in its entirety — 3rd Generation.


32.ℹ️Full version of GSM — Global System for Mobile Communication.


33.ℹ️ Full form of CDMA — Code Division Multiple Access.


34.ℹ️UMTS is the full form — Universal Mobile Telecommunication System.


35.ℹ️ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) Information and Communication Technology


36.ℹ️WWW is the full form of World Wide Web

(WWW) World Wide Web


37. Full form of V.C — Vice Chancellor (VC) Vice-Chancellor


38.ℹ️ D.C. Full form — District Commissioner/ Deputy Commissioner

(DC) District Commissioner/ Deputy Commissioner


39.ℹ️A.M – full form — Ante meridian.


40.ℹ️P.M – full form — Post meridian.


41.ℹ️GPA-5 – Full form of Grade point Average


42.ℹ️ Full form of J.S.C – Junior School Certificate.


43.ℹ️Full form of J.D.C – Junior Dakhil Certificate.


44. Full form of S.S.C — Secondary School Certificate.


45.ℹ️H.S.C – Full form – Higher Secondary Certificate.


46.ℹ️B. Abbreviation of A — Bachelor of Arts.


47.ℹ️M.A. – Full form of — Master of Arts.


48.ℹ️M.D. – Full form of — Doctor of Medicine./ Managing director.


49.ℹ️M.S. – Full form of — Master of Surgery.


50.ℹ️B.Sc. Ag. – Full form of — Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.


51.ℹ️ Full form of M.Sc.Ag.- Master of Science in Agriculture.


52.ℹ️B.Sc. – Full form of — Bachelor of Science.


53.ℹ️M.Sc. – Full form of — Master of Science.


54.ℹ️D.Sc. – Full form of — Doctor of Science.


55.ℹ️B.C.O.M – Full form — Bachelor of Commerce.


56.ℹ️M.C.O.M – Full form — Master of Commerce.


57.ℹ️B.ed – full form — Bachelor of education.


58.ℹ️B.B.S – Full form — Bachelor of Business Studies.


59.ℹ️B.S.S – Full form — Bachelor of Social Science/Study.


60.ℹ️B.B.A – Full form — Bachelor of Business Administration


61.ℹ️M.B.A – Full form — Full form — Masters of Business Administration.


62.ℹ️B.C.S – Full form — Bangladesh Civil Service.


63.ℹ️M.B.B.S. – Full form of — Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery.


64.ℹ️Ph.D./ D.Phil. – Full form of — Doctor of

Philosophy (Arts & Science)


65.ℹ️D.Litt./Litt. – Full form of — Doctor of

Literature/ Doctor of Letters.


66.ℹ️Dr. – Full form of — Doctor.


67.ℹ️Mr. – Full form of — Mister.


68.ℹ️Mrs. – Full form of — Mistress.


69.ℹ️M.P. – Full form of — Member of Parliament.


70.ℹ️M.L.A. – Full form of — Member of Legislative Assembly.


71.ℹ️M.L.C – Full form — Member of Legislative Council.


72.ℹ️P.M. – Full form of — Prime Minister.


73.ℹ️V.P – Full form of — Vice President./ Vice Principal.


74.ℹ️ Full form of V.C — Vice Chancellor.


75.ℹ️Full form of D.C.— District Commissioner/ Deputy Commissioner.


76.ℹ️ Full form of S.P — Superintendent of police


77.ℹ️S.I – Full form — Sub Inspector Police.


78. ℹ️Comprehensive form of CGPA – Cumulative Grade Point Average


79.ℹ️The full form of Wi-Fi — Wireless Fidelity.


80.ℹ️Full version of RTS — Real Time Streaming


81.ℹ️Full form of AVI — Audio Video Interleave


82.ℹ️Full form of SIS — Symbian OS Installer File


83.ℹ️ Full form of AMR — Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec


84.ℹ️ Full form of JAD — Java Application Descriptor


85.ℹ️ Full form of JAR — Java Archive


86.ℹ️Full version of MP3 — MPEG player lll


87.ℹ️Full form of 3GPP — 3rd Generation Partnership Project


88. ℹ️Full form of 3GP — 3rd Generation Project


89.ℹ️AAC stands for Advanced Audio Coding


90.ℹ️Full form of BMP — Bitmap


91. ℹ️ Full version of JPEG — Joint Photographic Expert Group


92.ℹ️ Full form of SWF — Shock Wave Flash


93.ℹ️Full form of WMV — Windows Media Video


94.ℹ️Full form of WMA — Windows Media Audio


95.ℹ️ Full form of WAV — Waveform Audio


96.ℹ️Full form of PNG — Portable Network Graphics


97.ℹ️ Full form of DOC — Document (Microsoft Corporation)


98.ℹ️ Full version of M3G — Mobile 3D Graphics


99.ℹ️Full form of M4A — MPEG-4 Audio File


100.ℹ️Full version of NTH — Nokia Theme(series 40)


101.ℹ️Full version of THM — Themes (Sony Ericsson)


102.ℹ️Full form of MMF — Synthetic Music Mobile Application File


103.ℹ️Full version of NRT — Nokia Ringtone


104.ℹ️Full form of XMF — Extensible Music File


105.ℹ️ Full form of WBMP — Wireless Bitmap Image


106.ℹ️Full form of DVX — DivX Video


107.ℹ️Full form of HTML — Hyper Text Markup Language


108.ℹ️Full form of WML — Wireless Markup Language


109.ℹ️CRT — Cathode Ray Tube.


110.ℹ️Full form of DAT — Digital Audio Tape.


111. Full form of DOS — Disk Operating System.


112.ℹ️The full form of GUI — Graphical User Interface.


113.ℹ️ Full form of ISP — Internet Service Provider.


114. Full form of TCP — Transmission Control Protocol.


115. Full form of UPS — Uninterruptible Power Supply.


116.ℹ️Full version of HSDPA — High Speed ​​Down link Packet Access.


117.ℹ️Full form of EDGE — Enhanced Data Rate for


118.ℹ️GSM [Global System for Mobile Communication]


119.ℹ️ Full form of VHF — Very High Frequency.


120.ℹ️Full form of UHF — Ultra High Frequency.


121.ℹ️Full form of GPRS — General Packet Radio Service.


122.ℹ️Full form of WAP — Wireless Application Protocol.


123.ℹ️ ARPANET in full — Advanced Research Project Agency Network.


124.ℹ️ Full form of IBM — International Business Machines.


125.ℹ️Full form of HP — Hewlett Packard.

126.ℹ️AM/FM in full — Amplitude/Frequency Modulation.


127.ℹ️Full form of WLAN — Wireless Local Area Network


128.ℹ️Full form of USB — Universal Serial Bus.


129.ℹ️ Full form of HD — High Definition


130.ℹ️Full version of APK — Android application package.


131.ℹ️Full form of BCS — Bangladesh Civil Service


132.ℹ️Full form of NCTB — National Curriculum & Text Book


133.ℹ️DPE in full — Directorate of Primary Education


134.ℹ️ Full form of MBA — Master of Business Administration


135.ℹ️Full form of LLB — Bachelor Of Law


136.ℹ️ Full form of VIP — Very Important Person


137.ℹ️Full form of UNICEF — United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund


138.ℹ️Full form of OK — All Correct


139.ℹ️Excel — Excel is an accounting program.


140.ℹ️Full form of FBC — Federal bureau corporation


141.ℹ️Full form of fb — Foreign body/ Facebook


142.ℹ️Full form of ABC — Alphabetically Based Computerized


143.ℹ️Full form of DDR — Double data rate


144. ℹ️VAT – the equivalent of — Value Added Tax (Value Added Tax)


145. Complete form of XY — Male Chromosome


146.ℹ️Full form of XXY — Kline Filter Syndrome chromosomes


147.ℹ️A-Level equivalent — Advanced Level


148.ℹ️Abstract of BL — Bachelor Of Law


149.ℹ️YAHOO–Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.


150.ℹ️Alternative of BTV — Bangladesh Television


151.ℹ️Full version of LP — Long Playing


152.ℹ️Pin is equivalent to Postal Index Number


153. ℹ️ KG is the equivalent of — Kilo Gram / Kindergarten


154.ℹ️Mbps. = Mega bits per second

MB/s. = Mega byte per second


155.ℹ️Synonym of DJ — Disc jockey


156.ℹ️OTG – the equivalent of — On The Go


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